Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Vermont Fishing Access Usage

I received the following email from VOGA this morning regarding Vermont's F&W fishing access areas and who can legally use them.  You can follow this link and weigh-in on the subject as you see fit.  You can also post your comments on our Facebook Page.  Your feedback is important! - Chris

"Friends and Members of VOGA,
Once again the Fish and Wildlife Board has banned the use of State fishing access areas by professional paddle sports instructors and nature guides using canoes and kayaks. Sounds crazy because it is. Besides some F & W Board members, a few
embedded Fish and Wildlife Department staffers have fought the change in policy for several years.

A major part of F & W Departments mission involves wildlife. "To protect and conserve our fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats for the people of Vermont." By restricting folks who are trying to make a living as naturalists, environmental educators and bird watchers, the Board has made Vermont unique in the Northeast and possibly the country. They are ignoring their own mission.

Our Department of Tourism and Marketing along with our Chambers of Commerce and many
regional and statewide organizations spend large amounts of money promoting nature and paddle sports here in Vermont. How can banning our professional services help the economy or services to visitors?

We need your help. If you think that this issue needs to be corrected, you can learn more and see who to contact with your concerns at:

It would be great if you could pass this on to others who might be interested.

Many thanks,


Graydon B. Stevens
Vermont Outdoor Guide Association (VOGA)
Follow us at:!/VTOutdoorGuides "

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